Business Fibre Internet | Broadband | Ethernet Connectivity | Fidelity Group

Trusted business broadband and ethernet services.

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The UK’s no.1 dedicated leased line internet access for business. No sharing, unrivalled reliability, and market-leading service availability to help your business thrive. Internet speeds up to 10Gbps.

Premium connectivity service for businesses demanding high-availability and high-capacity. Internet speeds up to 1Gbps.

Internet service that utilises existing phone cables, which keeps the set up costs low. Internet speeds up to 80Mbps.

Broadband without the need for a traditional phone line. So, everything you require is covered in a single order, with one supplier.

Work smarter and faster, not harder, with the fastest and most reliable business internet speeds.

We have hand-picked specialist suppliers to provide our clients with superfast, business-grade connectivity solutions. Whether you’re looking for a specific product or service that will benefit your team’s productivity and collaboration, or hope to achieve the fastest internet speeds possible, we’ll do the hard work for you and find the best deals at the best prices.

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